😊Tips on Holding Space for Your Child


This morning parents were sitting in my playroom. Rather desperate. Saying things like this: "She is only 5 years old, but we don't understand her." "She doesn't talk to us" "Some days are good days, but the bad days are too many" "We don't know what to do"

Later 3 words came up for me. "To hold space"   What does that mean?. How do I hold the space for a 5-year-old child that is struggling in her own space, with no understanding, no words? That motivated me to find out how can I hold space with the children I am working with.

  🎈  Be Present: When children want to talk or shar e something, be fully present and attentive. Put away distractions like phones and give them your undivided attention. Maintain eye contact and offer verbal and non-verbal cues to show that you are actively listening.

  💕  Practice Empathy: Empathy is crucial in holding space for your child. Try to understand their perspective and validate their emotions, even if you may not fully agree or comprehend their feelings. Show that you accept their emotions as valid.
   🥀 Avoid Judgment: Refrain from being judgmental or critical of your child's thoughts or emotions. Remember that holding space is about providing a safe and non-threatening environment for them to express themselves honestly.
😤Stay Calm and Patient: Children may not always communicate effectively or immediately open up. Be patient and avoid rushing them to share. Stay calm and composed, even during challenging conversations.
🌈Reflect and Summarize: To show that you truly understand your child, reflect on their feelings and thoughts. Summarize what they've shared to let them know you've been actively listening.
🦜Encourage Emotional Expression: Foster an environment where emotions are accepted and embraced. Let your child know it's okay to feel and express their emotions, even if they are difficult or uncomfortable.
✋🏼Set Boundaries: While holding space involves being open and non-judgmental, it's essential to establish boundaries to ensure conversations remain respectful and constructive.
🧑🏾‍🎓Resist the Urge to Fix: As parents, it's natural to want to solve our children's problems, but holding space is about allowing them to navigate their emotions and challenges on their own terms. Instead of providing immediate solutions, ask questions that can help them explore their feelings and thoughts.

Enjoy exploring "holding space" for your child.💕


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